Published: 05/05/2022
What a difference a year makes. 365 days ago, we took a step out of our comfort zone. We left a successful, well-run and established business, backing ourselves to create something we believed in, somewhere we could be progressive and push the boundaries. Most importantly, somewhere that we could call our own and somewhere that, without compromise, we can deliver on all our ambitions and ideas, a place and culture where people want to work and an environment that demands the very best in return. In essence, something that we can be proud of.Now we find ourselves standing on the precipice. Our doors open and everything that we have worked on over the last weeks and months, and everything that we have built up in our skill stacks over our careers, is in the spotlight. The market, and the people, will ultimately judge us on whether we have got things right, or not. Have we done everything that needs to be done? Have we thought of everything that needs to be thought of? Do we have what it takes to make this a success?
These are just some of the questions we have asked ourselves, usually at 3 o’clock in the morning. But that’s natural, we remind ourselves. In fact, it's more than that, it’s useful. Everyone has doubts. Doubts are healthy. They focus the mind and cover off the what ifs. But we shouldn’t let doubts lead us and we committed very early on to going for this with all that we have - that’s really the only way we know how.
It wasn’t just us who had doubts whether we could, or should, be here. Others have raised questions like “Do you realise it takes 10 years to create a sustainable, established business?”. “You do appreciate how crowded this marketplace is, right”. “Do you know how hard it is to start from the ground up?” Some speak from experience, others verbalise their own fears, but yeah, we know how hard this will be, and that’s the most exciting part.
So here we are. Ready to go out to the market.
There have been plenty of well-wishers and words of encouragement as well as the reassurance that we will be successful. But the time for talking is over, now we must deliver. Not for anyone else, but for ourselves and to begin our own legacy.
Alex and Chris